Homegrown games logo

Hello, Traveler!

Seems like you're heading east too. This way ↡


We are

A few passionate folks looking to materialize their creativity and love for games. Welcome to our world, where the wondrous, childlike, spirit of adventure springs eternal!

Our vision

of games is built around adventure, character development, competition, surprise and community-generated content.

We love to have you around during development. We learn about you, listen to your needs and try to come up with the best experience so you can feel at home before and after the game is launched.

Any community content like game levels, 2d/3d art, music, is embraced with gratitude, and selected content will make it into the game, crediting to the authors.


Game icon

Meet us

Joel Ayers

Game design, Sound

As far back as I can remember I would imagine stories of heroes and dragons and other fantasy storylines, as I got older I started to invent games based on games I enjoyed like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy. The characters and the music of the Final Fantasy series touched me deeply and changed my life forever. Even in athletics and sports as brothers we would bring swords and spells into our play in the back yard as we were growing up, and now after spending years searching for my life's purpose i found that nothing gives me more joy than working on new games, and I plan on sharing that joy with as many people as I can.

Jeremy Ayers

Game design, Sound

As a kid I was always playing games. As I grew up I became dissatisfied with the same old games and started adding rules or changing ones I didn’t like, coming up with new games in the process. I would spend hours in my garage tinkering, coming up with new game parts and toys for games that you couldn’t buy at the store, even composing my own music.

My hope is to bring all the fun and happiness I got while enjoying the games I made to everyone I can.

Lucian Lazar

Tech wizard

Hello there! My passion for games started early, during the time when game consoles like Atari 2600 and cheap NES replicas sneaked into our country. When internet cafés just started to pop up in my hometown, I quickly became so fascinated by them and I'd stay entire days just watching others play. Eventually, I got my first PC and I remember I was never happier. I'd stare at credits screens after having finished a game and I was thrilled by the idea of having my name included there.

Having access to internet, I quickly became interested in hosting my own Counter-Strike 1.6 game servers and I realized how good it feels to see people playing on your own server. So I started modifying complex game modes like Zombie Plague and iterating on feedback from my players until I'd get a fun and balanced experience for everyone. All that while managing a small team of admins, moderators and helpers. This was the catalist to my whole career. It led me to studying computer science and juggling with a wide array of technologies, which feels pretty empowering as now I can bring any idea to life.


the journey

Whether you're a programmer, artist, designer, tester or a community manager, you're welcome to join us. We welcome everyone, our development process is public. We're more than happy to have you on the guild!

Join in our discord server now!



A turn-based adventure RPG with lots of puzzles, complex, decision-based campaigns and online multiplayer modes. And what's best, our rich game editor allows anyone to contribute with user-generated content, like full-blown levels with their own rules and game modes.

Development started way back in 2017, now we're having a closed alpha testing and expecting an open beta in early 2022.

Join us on Discord!
I want to play     I want to help

Game - Alpha
IOS (TestFlight) -- Request to join
Android (Google Play)
Windows (Direct build)

Editor - Alpha
Windows (Direct build)